What is SEO?



SEO = Search Engine Optimization

One way to think about is it is a method of planning to get visitors to your website by ranking for terms people are actually searching for.

Keywords (aka terms or phrases) -> targeted towards a specific audience -> bring in website traffic = GOAL

For businesses, SEO is a critical part if they wish for their online venture to be successful.


SEO controls what sites are on the first page of Google.

They know how to rank a website to increase it’s rank.

How do you do it?

That is a bit more complicated, but with time and practice you can rank your site for a specific keyword.

Here’s a graphic to illustrate another definition of the practice of SEO.

search engine optimization graphic


Remember 80% of people use Google as their preferred search engine, so I often will only state Google when what I have stated can refer to any search engine for the most part. I only currently practice SEO with Google as I am still in my first year.

Here is SEO in a nutshell if you just must know now how it all works…

what is seo?

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